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How to Deliver a Great Pitch or Self-Introduction

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The 21st century is all about speed. Every individual wants quick outcomes. There are cabs that arrive in a minute and coffee that is on the counter the second you place the order. No one has the time and patience to wait. So, what when a potential employer, business partner or even a life partner is in front of you? How do you deliver a strong speech that lingers after it is over? What do you say and what do you omit? All these aspects, along with others, need to be meticulously decided.

Hello Elevator Pitch
Elevator pitch, or more commonly referred to as elevator speech, is a concise, sharp, introduction about yourself, or an idea in the professional playground. The catch, however, is that the message needs to be conveyed in the duration of an elevator ride. Essentially, the pitch is a 30 to 45 second description about yourself or the product you sell.

Get the Content Right!
Who Are You?
Don’t jump in at the deep end by selling your product or service. Always begin by stating your name and what you specialize in. This brief introduction serves as a lead-in to the conversation ahead. Moreover, your area of expertise conveys the kind of work you are invested in and why one should spend a moment to listen to you.

Brevity is Key
The most important rule of the elevator pitch is to keep it short. Remember, you do not have time to ramble. Don’t waste precious seconds talking about work problems and how you solved them. Limit the information about yourself. Instead, talk about the idea or the service, its short term and long-term goals.

Engage with the Prospect
To engage an individual’s attention, keep your pitch conversational. Exclude the use of difficult words that may cause their mind to wander. Pose a question to evoke a response. At the end of the day, the pitch is about leaving a stellar first impression of your personality

Stand Out With Your Delivery Technique
A Straight Back is an Advantage
Body language reveals your persona without actually needing to communicate. Keep an eye on your posture while delivering your pitch. Slouching shoulders always convey a lack of confidence. Use hand gestures during the conversation to show interest in keeping the chat going. It also makes one seem less rehearsed and robotic. Maintain eye contact and include facial expressions while talking. And of course, remember to blink!

Create A Video Reel
In this day and age, with various media platforms and technologies at an arm’s distance, it is much easier to create a pitch that stands apart from the crowd. Rather than creating another quotidian pitch, utilise the services at hand to create a distinctive pitch.

For instance, you can personalise a page on Instagram to display your portfolio. Or create a website that is dedicated to your work. Another trend that is quickly catching up is a video reel that showcases you and your work. This approach has been used by actors, directors, artists and more for several years. Now, a lot of corporates are using this method to show their potential. Studies show that the video format is easier to grasp and recall later. Send a link to your short reel or introduce the idea in person.

A Perfect Pitch Requires Dedication
Practice. Practice. And More Practice
Rambling is the last thing you want to do in front of an audience. Employers seek authenticity and someone who can stand their own. The same, however, comes with thorough research and rehearsal. One great way to execute this exercise is to practice in front of the mirror. This gives you control over your facial expressions. Another way is mock drills. Create scenarios with the help of friends or family who can give you objective advice on how to be better.

Leave Over-confidence at the Door
Be certain that your demeanour is as significant as the content of your pitch. No one likes a boastful and a presumptuous personality, especially not a potential employer or partner. It is imperative that your delivery shows a humble and modest persona. Start your conversation with a greeting. Be respectful and never cut them while receiving a response.

Finish on a High Note
It is pivotal that the prospect remembers you after the brief 30-second conversation. Make sure to schedule a business meeting or to set up a call. Offer them your business card and request for one of them, as well. If you do not have a business card handy, then exchange contact information so you touch base later. This is key while ending the pitch. If they don’t recall you afterwards, what was the agenda of the pitch?

To recap, create a snappy and a compelling pitch, talk about your idea and not yourself, be confident, not overconfident, keep it conversational and make sure to schedule a meeting. Let your personality shine through delivery but make the content solely about your product or idea. Remember, you only have the duration of an elevator ride to present your speech. Happy pitching!

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